Today, went starbucks... 5.00pm to 7.00pm having 50% discount... Many people there... Because of the happy hour. Went there because the chocolate, and the discount not for all...

I have drunk two cup of signature hot chocolate.
My hand! Was dryed just now....
I haven't open and use it, The Face Shop.....
Done, using...
Hey, having a nice day with CS... Start to keep fit now, I become fat, and fatter.... So I should keep fit as soon as possible. Don't shock, because yesterday, I have ate 3 pieces of cake, Chocolate Indulgence, Mango Delight, Peanut Cream Cake.... Hate Secret Recipe's service, student not your customer? I think all of the customer also is student please. Bill, must walk to counter to pay it... Hello, this called good service? Am I right? That they really not good in service....
So, now... I am happy that tomorrow no school, just now ate finish my sandwich from Starbucks. Urghh... Now I am feeling not well.... Want to vomit already.....
Blog here. Go to facebook now....
Came back, blogging right now. Had rain just now, moody, because I studied Sejarah for 3 hours. It was super duper long. Now I am bothering that this Friday going to present. Present, I really first time do this kind of thing.... :) I think it will be funny. I am hungry! I want to have my dinner, but my mum still haven't back, how I eat? Nibbling a biscuit as my light dinner.
Finally, my mum back I can eat now. :) Oh yea, my bro bring back his scissors I can cut my hair just now. Very short now. Ish... As soon as it seemed appropriate, I want to study my eng's exam.... "The Fruitcake Special". What the hell, the teacher was freaking noisy, when he came in, the first thing was, he will slap the table, slapped very loud... Slapped how loud he can do it. A bad habit he had, was always slapped people behind, OMG. I saw it, I also feel painful.... And he always reapeat and reapeat to read the same thing... I think the whole class because of you, feel more sleepy, no words no fuss.He always like that...
The following morning, what I need to do? I haven't study yet. I think no need to study already. More few days is our school exam's week..... All of CHKL's student gahyaw! :)
See you guys... Tomorrow blog more....
Justin Bieber's concert gone, now is Jogathon.... Anyone going? I am going, I didn't register, I go there to wait Carmen, CS, them to finish running, then we go to KLCC.... Oops, my bro is going, urghh..... How come, because he need to wait me and then we back together... Jogathon, 10km! Ish... How they run finish it?
Today went to draw an art beside the lake, what the hell.... I stopped at there the guy still don't know behide himself having a people... and then hitted me.... Ish.... Now my face swollen... When hitted me really cry out... Shit, paintful... Can't accept that the paintful, so my tears coming out... Pain until... Urgh... Now I don't know how to go out to see people....
Jogathon! My first time, because my mum don't let me go those place... Oh my god, run over people's graveyard... But I am not really running, just go there for fun. No one go there like me... Like going to shopping more like running.... Expected tomorrow... But need to wake up early, that why's I don't like...
Today, meh meh tou's phone ring, that actually not her, then the teacher stand beside her, and then give teacher confiscate the phone, and then after school only can take back.....
Yes! Tomorrow can go M&G, can buy some clothes already...
Oh yeah! I bought back my lens. This two days I can't wear my lens, urgh... Finally, I can wear it.
Transparency lens!
Last time, I would like to choose a pair of colour lens for myself. But now, I will like to choose transparency, because if using colour lens, when take it off, you will feel that yourself become ugly. So, don't use colour lens more good, but when you go for a party, you can use it. Hmmm..... this is why I will choose a transparency lens.What is going on? Justin Bieber reached! Yea. Many people went to airport? I don't know, because we were still having school at that time. Ish.... Why many people that can like an idol, like until so crazy? I feel beh tahan!... I think is my fault, because I don't have an Idol, so I jealous... :P
Tomorrow have tuition class, need to stay at KL until 8pm... Urgh, damn tired, but no choice.... The way I can improve my weak subject (Maybe).
I think I have to take a bathe. Just ate finish, so tomorrow blog again. :) Bye.
My page views of 17.04.11, is over 50+... I am happy to see that the result....I think everyone that know Justin Bieber will be arrived tomorrow right? The news from FM... Many people buy the ticket from Bangsar Village ll... You bought? I didn't! :) He is not my idol. By the way, hope you guys have a fun, and enjoy his concert on 21st April 2011.
Today, scolded by Moral teacher, because I lost her book, and I finding on the time. The point is she scolded me not because of I lost her book. That was, she said, I didn't have manner... I just nervous where my book will go?! Like that, she also wanted to scold. What the hell! I feel that I didn't wrong! I asked my friend softly please. If you that I am louded, that was your problem, not mine. Hmm... fine. Teacher always correct, student always the wrong...
Expect tomorrow, because tomorrow is Wednesday, after wednesday, thursday and friday, and saturday will be fast... I don't why. That's my feel! :) I am freaking tired because, the book keep I still have 6 questions haven't done yet. This is not my fault. I lend to my friend, and he always haven't finish copying that the question he haven't done yet. I will crazy, if still like that... Urghh... Got to go and finish my work.... :)
好像最经发生了太多事情,不想理,但须理不可!不想理了。。。太惹了吧!是我电脑的问题,还是web's problem?我很讨厌,带了红牌,证明我有申请,但为什么还要限制,叫我去剪头发?剪头发,是我人声中最讨厌的事情!由有溜海,到现在。。。
马来西亚,没有什么地方去了。。。每天都在PJ Area, CHKL Area...闷死了啦!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!啊!
See, I am writting a blog :) This few day I didn't upload my blog, because my school exam is freaking many..... Like BM, Chinese, maybe maths is coming soon... BM not pass.... more 2 mark! Ish... Chinese sure pass please easy like a shit!FB having a dislike button, hmm... See who is your real friend..... :)
Yesterday went to Subway, with CS, and then she asked me actually want buy iPod or iPhone? I told her, iPod cant phone worh! She said if buy iPhone need to add more 1,000++ just more 1 function.... Then I told her no idea. Because I don't like iPhone and iPod, many people are using..... She said want buy iPhone, called me to earn money buy the iPhone with her.... I said okay, but I wont really use it....
Later I planning go to PC Fair... I don't know why I want to go there, just boring, want to go there see what I can buy. Maybe I don't have anything to buy...
Next Saturday, want to go to Pavilion, I didn't went to there for a month, I didn't shop for a month.... What the hell.... I want go there to buy some clothes, I want to buy clothes for my momma.... :)
I want to watch this movie too...
and this This two movies, I want to watch it.... As fast as I can...
Hmm... This song I like it so much :)
The show goes on....
Yesterday, NICE! 6 periods, 6 periods! Form 4 spot check, like the hell.... Many that people was pass, but those principal, said not pass.... Need earn money until like that? APT, give us a bad image, won't have people go and cut anymore.... I thinked before, I wanted to go there cut my hair, but now NO!
Aihs, this few day had happen many thing that really...... How I say it out? Like a hell, chkl become a hell. I don't know why until now still don't have people go to complain? No comment? No idea? What you want we do? Really don't know please. Really sad, a sad case, the first time that chkl spot check, spot until so scary, OMG. Feel scary, passed also will get catch? What world is this?
Back to today, went to Uma Rani with Ah Du, Yan Mei, Jing How... Bring Ipod didn't bring charger, so cute right? No idea what we want to do! Because they said me, eat a Roti Telur Bawang, also need to eat an hour, really hard to eat what, and I am using phone to on my fb......
Walk there using 15 mins, walk back also 15 mins, back school find CS, go to tuition, my science tuition.... Teached matter and substance, what is that? Aihs.... luckily, that I am not Science Stream, if not, I think I want to study many the kind chemistry.... Chemistry, let Cecilia teach until fail! Fail!.... Past tense, so don't want to talk about her, if not I want to say her story 3 day 3 nights..... :)
Today I had a good experience that because I first time play basketball competition at chkl. Really gained many "experience". The first experience that I gained was that girl's basketball competition was freaking brainless.... That they slapped our teammate, slapped behind to let her drop the ball, but didn't fault! Fine, getting end...
Please, you all already form 6, please don't childish, shouted: Had RM5 at the floor! What you wanted we did? Looking you? So sorry, that no one was looked you, if there really had RM5, we already took it long time, and study at chkl won't really so greedy, so no need to use this tricks... You all are freaking cheap!
Calm down, if not will let them said we not convinced.... I have some scratch, at my hand, I didn't know how I got it......
After playing basketball.....
One and half hour stil here....
Yesterday, my leg, like kicking football, kicked the durian, pain like shit!
See, blooded...
Need to medicine my hand, and take a bathe, and eat my dinner.....
This post, is posting, what a boring day that today was! While I am sleeping, my mom went to my room, asked me want to go my younger brother's school for taking his result? I said No, for the first time. The second time that my mom went in again, asked me the same question. I said NO, again! I am lazy, I don't want to wake up so early. I continue to sleep.......
When I wake up, I regret, that why I didn't go to my bro's school, because I lazy! Just this reason? Yes. Then why I still feeling regret? Because I didn't have anything to eat! Breakfast don't have, Lunch don't have.
What a giggle, regret also can't go already, can't go back morning to eat breakfast. So good, that my bro and my mom go there, having many thing to eat!
But, think back yesterday, that I have many things to eat. OMG, my book keep so lapsap, so weak.... IMPROVE please. History and Geografi also need to improve.... Modern Maths, you must get 100% again please... :)
Oops! Shit... What is this?
My white shirt, spaghetti sos!
My blue skirt, chocolate cream!
Today, I freaking enjoyed! That just a few people become 3/4 people. Our party started! First, we have Chocolate Indulgence for our breakfast. Actually I want to buy tuna finger sandwich from Starbucks, don't have already. So I want to pay the cake. After 3 periods, we have spaghetti to eat, from chiu er! Nice, it was tasty, and CS's mash potato.... FAIL MASH POTATO! Had some strange smell on top! Eat until just left some, feel good! Next time party again! I lovin' it! Today, that was no prefect here, no disiplin teacher here! Good! Today planning to buy bag, but I don't want go already, because no one is going already, fe eling sienz.... Want to wash my nike bag, and keep it in the drawer already. It was dirty until..... Hate!
This was how enjoy that today was... :)
Hmm... Nothing that I can blog today. I should blog about, today I changed my uniform for 3 times, sad. Hate to change clothes because of the clothes is super big!
Oh yeah, this 6 months.... I just hit 1,000..... when i can hit 2,000, and 3,000?
Really nothing happen... Tomorrow, she is helping me to buy something from Starbucks! I scare that can't buy it. Never Mind, if really cant buy, I also can't do anything. Haizzz....
I feel that the Science really become hard...... Now is campur-ing the Chemistry, I think I need some help from Science's stream student. :)
I hate today, suddenly rain, meh si orh? So suddenly! The bad luck's thing was I DIDN'T BRING MY UMBRELLA TO SCHOOL. Bad Luck! Urgh...
Waoh, I forgot to blog, that my friend argue with friend until..... I shocked! I walk in the class, for a minute, and walk out for a minute, I also don't know what had happen.... I just knew, that my friend is very angry, because he give the teacher said he complaint her.... Hmm... I don't know what had happen, just I knew he angry until recess, also haven't finish angrying about this thing......
Really don't know what had really happen today, but really, our class today having a bad luck day.....
Blog here, going to sleep, is...
freaking tired,
Is time to blog again! What had happen? Went Starbucks. Went for? Nothing, just for fun. Is that really fun? No. Maybe will be fun...
Actually, I am waiting what will happen today. But hopelessss.... I am freaking dissapointed! But, I saw some symbol sticked at the sign. Near Help College, maybe that someone is joking with college's student. Is that fun? Maybe, that they think, YES.
Hmmm... Back to topic. We heading saturday having our children day, we bring our food to school.... I still don't know what I want to bring. And that day, we need to take report card, OMG. Scary? Maybe. And that day, we heading to go to Pavilion again. Because that day, we didn't go to Pavilion. So this time, we should go! Oh yeah....
I don't know why facebook have many people lansok? Is that a good place lansok people? Freaking annoying... I think everyone if having this kind of problem, sure will go right hand side the chat book, and choosing options and click GO OFFLINE, right...
Facebook having a bad place, that is no privacy, your mum or dad, will stalk you anytime. Is a bad place that for us. We can't have talk freely already.
Say Hi, to you guys. These few day I hear about something that will coming on 6th April 2011. What is going on?Saw the symbol above twins towel? Some of blogger got a letter from someone. Someone? Who are them?? We didn't know it! But some clue that can get from this website : www.kolony.com.my OR http://lambangmisteri.blogspot.com/. They said it was a aliens invasion or what, or something that we don't know.
Saw? The traffic light I think is around Pavilion and Bukit Bintang area.
Even, at newspaper, we also can see the story about this symbol.
Just post just share it! Get from some web....
6th April will know what had happen....
Tomorrow, heading to Pavilion again, with CS, Jing How, Ah Du, Wai Khong..... And I don't know who are still going... Hmm... The problem I worrying is so early wake up play until night, more than 8 hours. I think I will bring a pair of eye bags. How I can't? Any tips?I think tomorrow many people will ffk, so sad :( Tomorrow, the first place that I will like to go is...... Starbucks, to have my breakfast! Nope, I think I think the first place is CC, X5... To find my friend, they are overnight at there. I don't why their parents will not worry them. Haizzz
I need to walk up at 8 am tomorrow, Can I say NO? I can't... Hmmm.... Talk about my dance... My studio is finding a designer to design a skirt.... My teacher is from Sunway College, I shocked that she knew many students of Taylor... I planning to go Taylor to study my college... :) But I am worrying, that need to study two years. Two years! If I study form 6, I have a certificate of UEC, STPM... Two certificate... I think all also you is thinking about this thing... Seems like many time, but actually not! I feel like just 1 month ago, but already 3 months passed............ When I happy the time is going fast, fast, and fast; when I sad the time is slow, slow, slow like a shit....
I think a song can describe this post.
The time.....
Yesterday, is Apple Fools.Today, our school having Carnival. I was nothing to do. I didn't buy
Hmm... Yesterday Emily planning go Pavilion with me... But suddenly she said can't go with me, she said or not I go with my friend and we go together... But no one is free already, if free all also boys... How you go with me??!! Never Mind, I don't want go already. :)
Today, carnival feel bored, nothing to do, nothing to walk, I walk this carnival already four years, four years!Really feel bored, why we cant stay at class? Cant do what we want to do... Never mind again... Although, today have how bored, I still can play MacBook, Iphone 4.. :) And no need to buy thing to eat, also can eat... Because friend helping :)
I get a picture from my friend, I like the picture... Feel good...:)
My new facebook profile picture.... :) Click the picture to view my facebook... :)
I want to go to do something,
Go to do nothing... :)
Today blog until now.