Is that a good news? 18 days didnt post any blog page? For me, NO! because i just done my 2 weeks exam! Tired! I have try my best... Everyday slept after 12am, but study at 10pm, how can i sleep on time? Hahahhahah!And of course study while twitting! :) Follow me?! @Q_yee
Before exam keep on listening music while having class, make me cant concentrate! No good :/
And the phone full of missed call and talk box noftifications! :O
I am a good girl! Mother's day went to have a dinner with cousin and grandpa and grandma! Woots! They feel very happy! :) That day's outfit! :)
Bag : Long Champ, England
Necklace : Korea
Instragram follow me: q_yee
I am a good good girl, during exam still dinner with mum and dad, until 10pm. So tired, but happy! That time they planning which the day to go Singapore. Confrimed! During exam, I always use this pix! Smile :) to study my exam! Do well on it! Yeah, babe....
And! Saw it?
@adidasNEOLabel is following me!
Give adidas a like!
Adidas is all in.
Until the last day! What I did? Watch this! Comic, not book is movie on my Iphone, so fuuny and cute!
Shopping list is added this two skirt
I found in my Iphone! I am so hardworking.... Study Malay till crazy! ahahhahaha! Is a good sense or no?!
And a unlucky thing is having, HE is slept my bed... My bro slept my bed! I have no bed to sleep! :(
And, I finished my exam! Number of CHKL! #080944
End my exam paper with this photo! :)
Tomorrow is 20.5.2012! This date I like always! 520! I love you.