Kakakaka! Today sent out the present already, she said, that she liked it. Wooohooo.... I love it, too.
Converse Strong Blue.
Herself also know what the price. Hahaha!
Hmmm...... Whole day twitter, facebook. Technology let me school-ing, facebok-ing, twitt-ing. While, planned went to Pavilion, but didn't. Be a good girl, went Emily's house. Have nothing to do, just watch some video...
And I have nothing to do.
Today, because of my class someone is checking in, tagged 21 peoples, let our maths teacher knew it, he said, gonne told our disiplin teacher. Hahaha! He told other, "Why upstairs those guys crazy? Suddenly 20 something of people checking in. :O
Hahaha! Nice day. Today I had. Wellll....... Everyday rock with my hpmini, rawr! Hahahaah! Everyday, I bring broadband to school. Wooohoooo....
Let's bookkeep-ing again. Urghhh.... Have to rush one more only.