My theory exam passed... I lovin' it... Today is a rainny day too.
Caution : I changed my blogskins. Is it nice ?
Hot topic that is talking about Japan Earthquake, Tsunami. I think we are very cheerful that we are live at Malaysia. But I think just a brief moment, never mind we should appreciate now.
Today is white valentine day, Happy White Valentine Day.
Let's come and share something, don't think about those sad case.
Nice. It is a transparent converse's shoe.
But already 2008 edition. Malaysia can't buy also.

This also very nice, this bottle. Nike's bottle.
Stop sharing this kind of thing. Back to my blog. What do I want to blog?
I want to blog is I am having a boring holiday. Oops, just now japan nuclear power plant explosion again. Be careful yarh not only will get flu infection and also will get radiation. Don't think walking at rainny day is a thing that is romantic, from now on, please don't do that.
Hey, take care yarh. I can blog more two days only, because I am going to trip. Cheeky. I sure will everyday blog. Blink.
Bye. Stop blogging now. I have to go view my facebook now.