Eventually, my average was passed, but it was just 59.051, I very disappointed on my mark, I didn't think that I will take it so low. I though will get high, but i didn't study at home... OMG~~~
I don't know this wan is good news or bad news, that I was going art stream.
Art stream??? Science stream???
Am I change it?? I think about this thing.... I was worrying about this!!!
When I know my average, I shocked that time, why I don't want study hard???!!!:O
Hmm... I asked Mons to help me wrote a letter to change me from art stream to science stream, am I have this qualification to study in science stream?? I listen many news, that talking about this thing, my friend study at 3 Yi also give our school XXX's department arranged to art stream, I think she got something didn't pass.... Just I think so....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........
Don't think too much better, we try go and argue....